The International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA) is a non-governmental, multi-national, independent scientific research institute devoted to interdisciplinary, policy-oriented research focusing on selected aspects of environmental, economic, technological and social issues in the context of global change.
Two research groups of IIASA are involved in MYRIAD-EU, the Systemic Risk and Resilience (SYRR) and the Exploratory Modeling of Human-natural Systems (EM) group both within the Advancing Systems Analysis (ASA) Program. SYRR`s contribution to the project will focus on developing the multi-hazard, multi-sector and systemic risk framework within a co-design process. EM`s contribution to the project will focus on Agent-Based Modelling. ASA’s mission is to develop, test, and make available new quantitative and qualitative methods from areas including mathematics, statistics, operations research, and management science for addressing problems arising in the policy analysis of complex socio-environmental systems.